Trainetics' Prof Paul Bowie Invited to Speak On SEIPS Model At The ISQua Annual Conference.
The Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model is arguably the most popular Human Factors method in healthcare safety research and has tremendous potential as multi-functional systems analysis and design tool that can be applied by those at the sharp-end of clinical practice. So much so, it features as an important practical tool as part of the Trainetics’ Masterclass in Human Factors.

Trainetics Faculty Member Prof Paul Bowie, who has extensive experience of applying SEIPS alongside healthcare teams, was invited to speak on the topic at the International Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare (ISQua) Annual Conference on November 23rd 2021. Paul spoke in a joint session with SEIPS originator, Professor
Pascale Carayon of the University of Wisconsin, on his decade-long experiences of applying SEIPS in healthcare research and practice. In particular, he illustrated how the model has influenced educational developments around systems thinking for team-based safety investigations and learning, user-centred design of work procedure, and in system-wide risk assessments and in supporting traditional quality improvement efforts.