Trainetics talk Just Culture at the GMC Conference 2019.
Trainetics faculty member Rob De Martino was invited to speak at the GMC conference 2019. He spoke to a fully booked session about the aviation culture of embedding Human Factors knowledge and skills in every facet of the job and its training, while discussing how this may be emulated within medicine.
One area he discussed was Just Culture. This is something of a hot topic in current medical discussions and it champions the idea that errors should give rise to learning and progression rather than punitive blame. He took questions from the floor and subsequent discussion encompassed how British Airways has driven best practice in Just Culture within its own organisation, leading to a core belief in the ethos by employees at all levels. It is this belief which facilitates open reporting and true learning from errors. At the end of the session he was surprised to find that many in the audience weren’t aware of NHS Improvement’s 2018 guide on Just Culture, which includes a patient safety investigation flow chart closely emulating that used in aviation.
If you are keen to learn more about Just Culture, its place in aviation and how it can be effectively applied in other safety conscious industries such as healthcare, please do join one of our courses where it is presented in more detail as a core part of the day.